July 16, 2015

15.07.2015 Україна: Головні теми доби - Порошенко вніс до парламенту зміни до Конституції, в яких прописано особливий статус Донбасу

Порошенко вніс до парламенту зміни до Конституції, в яких прописано особливий статус Донбасу
Порошенко вніс до парламенту зміни до Конституції, в яких прописано особливий статус Донбасу

Головні події і теми дня 15.07.2015 від інформаційного агентства Digests & Analytics Ukraine

Теми ЗМІ та соцмереж

  • Президент Порошенко вніс до парламенту зміни до Конституції, в яких прописано особливий статус Донбасу.
  • Головою Закарпатської облдержадміністрації призначено Москаля.
  • Генштаб вважає вручення повісток на вулиці законним.

15.07.2015 Украина: Главные темы дня - Порошенко внес в парламент изменения к Конституции с особым статусом Донбасса

Президент Порошенко внес в парламент изменения к Конституции, в которых прописан особый статус Донбасса.
Порошенко внес в парламент изменения к Конституции с особым статусом Донбасса

Главные события и темы дня 15.07.2015 от информационного агентства Digests & Analytics Ukraine

Темы СМИ и соцсетей

  • Президент Порошенко внес в парламент изменения к Конституции, в которых прописан особый статус Донбасса.
  • Главой Закарпатской облгосадминистрации назначен Москаль.
  • Генштаб считает вручение повесток на улице законным.

July 15, 2015

07/14/2015 Ukraine: Daily Highlights - As a result of terrorist attacks in Lviv two policemen seriously injured

As a result of terrorist attacks in Lviv two policemen seriously injured
As a result of terrorist attacks in Lviv two policemen seriously injured

07.14.2015 Daily Highlights by the Digests & Analytics Ukraine News Agency

Topics from Media and Social Networks

  • As a result of terrorist attacks in Lviv two policemen seriously injured.
  • Verkhovna Rada adopted a law on local elections.
  • Shokin and Sakvarelidze continue to work in the General Prosecutor's office.
  • Twitter accounts of Interior Minister Avakov, the National Security and Defense Council and the President Administration were hacked

2015/07/14 Ucraina: I principali eventi e temi del giorno - Gli attentati a Leopoli - sono feriti gravemente due poliziotti

Gli attentati a Leopoli - sono feriti gravemente due poliziotti
Gli attentati a Leopoli - sono feriti gravemente due poliziotti

I principali eventi e le questioni del giorno 2015/07/14 dall'agenzia di stampa Digest & Analytics Ucraina

Argomenti media e social network

  • Gli attentati a Leopoli - sono feriti gravemente due poliziotti.
  • Verkhovna Rada ha adottato la legge sulle elezioni locali.
  • Shokin e Sakvarelidze  continuano a lavorare nell'ufficio del procuratore.
  • Hacker hanno rotto account di Twitter di Avakov, NSDC e l'amministrazione presidenziale.

14.07.2015 Україна: Головні теми доби - Теракти у Львові – важко поранено двох міліціонерів

Теракти у Львові – важко поранено двох міліціонерів
Теракти у Львові – важко поранено двох міліціонерів

Головні події і теми дня 14.07.2015 від інформаційного агентства Digests & Analytics Ukraine

Теми ЗМІ та соцмереж

  • Теракти у Львові – важко поранено двох міліціонерів.
  • Верховна Рада прийняла закон про місцеві вибори.
  • Шокін і Сакварелідзе продовжують працювати в Генпрокуратурі.
  • Зламано Twitter-аккаунти Авакова, РНБО та Адміністрації президента.

14.07.2015 Украина: Главные темы дня - Теракты во Львове – тяжело ранены два милиционера

Теракты во Львове – тяжело ранены два милиционера
Теракты во Львове – тяжело ранены два милиционера

Главные события и темы дня 14.07.2015 от информационного агентства Digests & Analytics Ukraine

Темы СМИ и соцсетей

  • Теракты во Львове – тяжело ранены два милиционера.
  • Верховная Рада приняла закон о местных выборах.
  • Шокин и Сакварелидзе продолжают работать в Генпрокуратуре.
  • Взломаны Twitter-аккаунты Авакова, СНБО и Администрации президента.

July 14, 2015

07/13/2015 Ukraine: Daily Highlights - US-Ukraine Investment Conference

US-Ukraine Investment Conference
US-Ukraine Investment Conference

07.13.2015 Daily Highlights by the Digests & Analytics Ukraine News Agency

Topics from Media and Social Networks

  • US-Ukraine Investment Conference.
  • President Poroshenko gathered the Military Cabinet regarding the situation in Mukachevo.

Key Events In Ukraine

  • President Poroshenko  convened a meeting of the Military Cabinet due to the events in Transcarpathia. He claimed that the essence of the conflict in Mukachevo is redistribution of the contraband. The law enforcement agencies need to take serious measures to fight the smuggling. The President ordered the law enforcement agencies to disarm the illegal armed groups.
  • The SSU reported on the detention of two members of the "Right Sector", involved in the events in Mukachevo. The "Right Sector" reported that those two organization members had surrendered voluntarily.
  • Prime Minister Yatsenyuk demanded from the leadership of the State Fiscal Service the dismissal of the staff of the Transcarpathian customs. The customs leadership is suspended from the work for the time of the official investigation, they will be replaced by the customs officers from other regions.
  • President Poroshenko fired his adviser Tomenko and Commander of the Air Force Baidak.
  • The Prosecutor General's Office announced the suspicion of embezzlement of the budget funds to former Minister of Justice Lavrynovych.
  • The composition of the Board of the NBU was reduced from 10 to 6 people, some powers can be delegated to the specialized committees of the bank.
  • The official hryvnia exchange rate is relatively stable, but it continue to gradually decline against the US dollar: 21.96 UAH/USD (+0.04 UAH), 24.27 UAH/EUR (-0,25 UAH), 3.88 UAH / RUR 10 (+0.01 UAH).

Ukraine at War

  • The situation in the combat zone in the Donbass remains extremely tense, there were more than 80 cases of shellings of the positions of the Ukrainian army with the use of heavy weapons and MLRS recorded. The most intense fighting took place in the surroundings of Donetsk, although shellings were also recorded in the Luhansk region. According to the official reports, five Ukrainian soldiers were wounded.
  • The Atlantic Council of the US Report on Russia's participation in the war against Ukraine was presented in the Verhovna Rada.

Ukraine and the World

  • The Ukraine-USA Investment Conference was held in Washington. US Vice President Biden, US Commerce Secretary Pritzker, Prime Minister of Ukraine Yatsenyuk, and Minister of Economy of Ukraine Yaresko were the major participants.
  • Australia, Ukraine, Belgium, the Netherlands and Malaysia addressed the UN Security Council a proposal to establish an international tribunal to prosecute those responsible for the crash of the airliner MH-17 flight over the Donbass.

The Trends

  • At the Ukraine-US Investment Conference  US Vice President Biden said that in the fight against Ukraine Russia is using the most reliable weapons - corruption and oligarchy. The US will certainly help the country in the fight against this threat, as the future of Europe depends on the stability in Ukraine. US Commerce Secretary Pritzker said that the Prime Minister and the President  must create an open market in the country. Stability and democracy cannot be achieved without economic and political reforms, so Ukraine is obliged to carry out the real reforms not only on paper, but in reality, which will be noticed by both entrepreneurs and ordinary citizens. The US is ready to allocate additional funds for such reforms.
  • The civil society and the users of the Ukrainian Internet are discussing the statement of the Speaker of the Interior Ministry, which was trying to whiten the institution from the accusations of corruption and merging with criminals in Transcarpathia. He is inventing various versions of the crimes of the "Right Sector" and distributes them through the social networks. The system corruption, which revealed itself in the Transcarpathia events, has a negative impact on the country's investment business.
  • Experts believe that the Military Cabinet, convened by President Poroshenko, is an illegitimate structure and also an attempt to change the balance of powers in his favor.