May 09, 2015

05/08/2015 Ukraine: Daily Highlights - Reconciliation of URA and the Red Army soldiers

Reconciliation of URA and the Red Army soldiers
Reconciliation of URA and the Red Army soldiers

05/08/2015  Daily Highlights  by the Digests & Analytics Ukraine News Agency

Topics from the Media and Social Networks

  • "The First Minute of the Peace" in Ukraine. Reconciliation of Ukrainian Rebel Army (UPA) and the Red Army soldiers.
  • President Poroshenko wants to sell "Roshen" for higher price.
  • Ukraine will not receive a visa-free regime at the Riga summit.
  • Ukrainian Orthodox Chirch (Moscow Patriarchate) clergy refused to honor the memory of the combatants in the Donbass.
  • Protests against the sharp drop of living standards started in Ukraine.

April 10, 2015

2015/04/09 Ucraina: I principali eventi e temi del giorno -Combattenti Esercito insurrezionale ucraino (UPA) sono riconosciuti come combattenti per l'indipendenza dell'Ucraina.

Combattenti UPA sono riconosciuti come combattenti per l'indipendenza dell'Ucraina
Combattenti Esercito insurrezionale ucraino (UPA)

Grandi eventi e argomenti del giorno 2015/04/09 dall'agenzia di stampa "Digest & Analytics - Ucraina"

Temi di media e social network

  • Vieto di ideologia comunista e dei suoi simboli in Ucraina.
  • Combattenti Esercito insurrezionale ucraino (UPA) sono riconosciuti come combattenti per l'indipendenza dell'Ucraina.
  • Un progetto della strategia di sicurezza nazionale.
  • Giovedi Santo prima di Pasqua.
  • L'inflazione potrebbe raggiungere il 50% nel secondo trimestre.
  • Ad oligarca ucraino Firtash hanno chiuso pagerà per l'uso del tubo del gas.

04/07/2015 Ukraine: Daily Highlights - Ukrainian Rebel Army (UPA) members are recognized as fighters for Ukraine’s independence.

Ukrainian Rebel Army (UPA)  members are recognized as fighters for Ukraine’s independence
Ukrainian Rebel Army Fighters are heroes of Ukraine

04/09/2015 Daily Highlights by the "Digests & Analytics - Ukraine" News Agency

Topics from the Media and Social Networks

  • Сommunist ideology and its symbols have been banned in Ukraine.
  • Ukrainian Rebel Army (UPA)  members are recognized as fighters for Ukraine’s independence.
  • A project of the National Security Strategy was introduced.
  • Maundy Thursday before Easter.
  • Inflation can reach 50% in the second quarter.
  • Olgarch Firtash enterprises will pay for the use of the gas pipe .