February 03, 2016

2016/02/02 Ucraina: I principali eventi e temi del giorno - La Verkhovna Rada ha adottato in prima lettura gli emendamenti alla Costituzione in termini di giustizia

La Verkhovna Rada ha adottato in prima lettura gli emendamenti alla Costituzione in termini di giustizia
La Verkhovna Rada ha adottato in prima lettura gli emendamenti alla Costituzione in termini di giustizia

I principali eventi e le questioni del giorno 02.02.2016 da Digest e Analitica Ucraina

Temi media e social network

  • La Verkhovna Rada ha adottato in prima lettura gli emendamenti alla Costituzione in termini di giustizia.
  • Anniversario della morte del cantante e figura pubblica di Kuzma Skriabin.
  • Giudice odiosa Vovk lavora di nuovo alla corte di Pechersk.
  • Il procuratore militare Matios ha chiamato Corpo dei Volontari ucraini del Settore destra di gruppo armato illegale.

02/02/2016 Ukraine: Daily Highlights - The Verkhovna Rada adopted in the first reading the amendments to the Constitution related to justice reform

The Verkhovna Rada adopted in the first reading the amendments to the Constitution related to justice reform
The Parliament adopted in the first reading the amendments to the Constitution related to justice reform

02.02.2016 Daily Highlights by the Digests & Analytics Ukraine

Topics from Media and Social Networks

  • The Verkhovna Rada adopted in the first reading the amendments to the Constitution related to justice reform.
  • First anniversary of the death of the singer and public figure Kuzma Skryabin.
  • Infamous judge Vovk returned to work in the Pechersk district court of Kyiv.
  • Military Prosecutor Matios called the Volunteer Ukrainian Corps of the Right Sector an illegal armed group.

September 03, 2014

02.09.2014 Ukraine: Daily Highlights - Official position of Naftoaz in the negotiations with Gazprom has been announced while Russian troops invaded Ukraine

Deputy head of presidential administration Shymkiv informed, that more than 400 officials of the administration will be fired, as well as 22 Presidential advisory bodies  will be cut

02.09.2014 Daily Highlights by “Digests & Analytics Ukraine” News Agency

Ukrainian Army is engaged in heavy positional fights with terrorists advancing in Donbass, which are supported by Russian regular army. Ukrainian hryvnya has strengthened after a positive decision from IMF. Ukraine is preparing for tough negotiations with Gazprom and looking forward for decisive and real military support from Europe and NATO during the summits planned this week.