November 20, 2014

19/11/2014 Ukraine: Daily Highlights - Problems of temporary displaced persons. Buildup of Russia’s military presence in Ukraine.

Бывший президент Украины Кучма, который вел в Минске переговоры от имени Украины, назвал их продолжение бесперспективным

19/11/2014 Daily Highlights from "Digest & Analytics" news agency

Topics of the day

Problems of temporary displaced persons. Buildup of Russia’s military presence in Ukraine. Prosecutor General's report on the investigation into the persecution of activists of the Maidan.

November 19, 2014

10-16 November 2014 Ukraine: Weekly Highlights - Russia is at any moment ready to continue an attack in Donbass

10-16 November 2014 Weekly Highlights by the “Digests & Analytics Ukraine” News Agency

The Ukrainian Parliament, in its new composition, should get together in a week. The problems of the occupied territories in Donbass are escalating. Russia is at any moment ready to continue an attack in Donbass. The Ukrainian economy is in a weakened state due to the war and the lack of reforms. Putin fled from the G20 summit in Australia.

18/11/2014 Ukraine:Daily Highlights - Energy security. Reform of law enforcement agencies

Премьер-министр Яценюк предложил премьер-министру Норвегии Солберг участвовать в модернизации украинской газотранспортной системы

18/11/2014 Daily Highlights from "Digest & Analytics" news agency

Topics of the day

Energy security. Reform of law enforcement agencies. Investigation of crimes against Maidan activists. Preparations to expel Russian invasion in Donbass.

November 14, 2014

13/11/2014 Ukraine: Daily Highlights - Number of temporary migrants in Ukraine is close to one million

Количество временных переселенцев в Украине приблизилось к 1 млн человек

13/11/2014 Daily Highlights from “Digests & Analytics Ukraine” News Agency

Chances of aggression expansion by Russian troops and DPR and LPR formations in the Donbas is very high. Tensions in the conflict zone are raising. Number of temporary migrants in Ukraine is close to one million.

November 12, 2014

11/11/2014 Ukraine: Daily Highlights - Contract for South Africal coal supplies to Ukraine derailed.

 Сорван контракт на поставку южноафриканского угля в Украину.

11/11/2014 Daily Highlights from “Digests & Analytics Ukraine” News Agency

Official exchange rate of Ukrainian hryvnya collapsed. Russia continues to concentrate invasion troops on the occupied territory of Donbass and in the border districts. Contract for South Africal coal supplies to Ukraine derailed.

November 02, 2014

31/10/2014 Ukraine: Daily Highlights - Russia continues to deploy troops and arms on Ukrainian territory

Россия продолжает ввод своих войск и техники на территорию Украины

01/11/2014 Daily Highlights from “Digests & Analytics Ukraine” News Agency

President Poroshenko congratulated Ukrainians with coming into effect of the Association Agreement with the EU. Central Elections Committee still struggles to finalize the elections vote counts. Russia continues to deploy troops and arms on Ukrainian territory. Terrorist “republics” DPR and LPR are ready to conduct Crimea-like “elections”.

October 03, 2014

September 2014 Ukraine: Monthly Highlights in brief

Верховная Рада одновременно с Европарламентом ратифицировала соглашение об ассоциации

September 2014 Monthly Highlights from “Digests & Analytics Ukraine” News Agency

Sanctions against Russia and cease-fire memorandums signed in Minsk haven’t de-escalated the conflict in Donbass. President Poroshenko attempts to build the «authority vertical» without having sufficient cadre resources. Early parliamentary elections are in the high gear. Ukrainian economy continues to slow down.

October 01, 2014

30.09.2014 Ukraine: Daily Highlights - Heroic defenders of Donetsk airport continue to fight off continuous tank attacks by militants

Героические защитники Донецкого аэропорта продолжают отражать непрерывные танковые атаки боевиков

30.09.2014 Daily Highlights from “Digests & Analytics Ukraine” News Agency

Heroic defenders of Donetsk airport continue to fight off continuous tank attacks by militants. Russia is preparing the next phase of the invasion of Ukraine. OSCE sabotages the monitoring of terrorists' actions. Activists are beating up running for parliament members of the Party of Regions because of the reluctance of the authorities to carry out lustration. "Lenin-falling" continues.

September 22, 2014

21.09.2014 Ukraine: Daily highlights - Peace marches against Russian aggression in Eastern Ukraine took place in many countries.

В разных странах прошли Марши мира против агрессии России в восточной Украине
21.09.2014 Daily highlights by the “Digest & Analytics Ukraine” News Agency

LPR and DPR terrorists are not going to adhere to the cease-fire memorandum, signed in Minsk, using withdrawal of Ukrainian troops to seize territory. Peace marches against Russian aggression in Eastern Ukraine took place in many countries. President Poroshenko gave an interview  to Ukrainian TV joutnalists.

September 19, 2014

18/09/2014 Ukraine: Daily Highlights - President Poroshenko spoke to joint session of US Congress and Senate

Президент Порошенко выступил на совместном заседании Конгресса и Сената США и встретился с президентом Обамой

18/09/2014 Daily Highlights from “Digests & Analytics Ukraine” News Agency

Despite the drastic decline of the industrial production, foreign affairs perspectives of Ukraine are strongly improving, as support by the US, Canada and the EU could be a prerequisite for the development leap for the country after the end of combat operations. At the same time, Russia intensifies preparations for invasion from territory of Donbass, Rostov region, Crimea and Transdnestria.

September 01, 2014

25-31/08/2014 Ukraine: Weekly Highlights - Ukrainian troops and volunteers have been encircled and suffered heavy losses - The campaign for elections to the Verkhovna Rada has started in Ukraine.

События недели 25-31 августа 2014 года от информационного агенства Дайджесты и Аналитика Украина
25-31.08.2014 Weekly Highlights by “Digests & Analytics Ukraine” News Agency

War in Ukraine

  • Completion of the negotiations in Minsk was marked by direct Russian military aggression against Ukraine. The fact that the invasion of the Russian Federation was confirmed by NATO and the EU. USA stated that Russia will pay a heavy price for the invasion. Russian troops strikes were directed toward of Mariupol, Starobeshevo, Ilovaysk, Snezhnoe and Lugansk. The Russian army is using heavy armor and artillery, unmanned drones. Documented cases of attacks from the air of the Ukrainian units and vessels. Russian soldiers and military vehicles appeared in Lugansk and Donetsk. According to some reports, in Ukraine are fighting about 10 thousand Russian soldiers and officers, twice as much concentrated in the border areas. President Poroshenko canceled his official visit to Turkey for the inauguration of