August 28, 2014

27/08/2014 Ukraine:Daily Highlights - Russian troops have invaded Ukraine - Verkhovna Rada election campaign starting from 28 of August - Ukrainian Hryvnya once again strongly weakened

Продолжаются тяжелые бои с регулярными частями российской армии на юге Донецкой области в Новоазовском районе, Иловайске,Старобешево и Амвросиевке.

27.08.2014 Daily Highlights by “Digests & Analytics Ukraine” News Agency


  • Presidential decree on dissolving the parliament has entered into force, starting with the election campaign from 28 of August. The elections will be held according to the old elections law with closed lists of candidates. The pro-presidential political party "Solidarnist", now renamed into "Poroshenko block", held its congress in preparations for the elections. Defectors from other parties have been seen among the convention participants. Experts do admit possibility of former members Party of Regions to appear in the elections list of the Poroshenko Block Attending the event, President Poroshenko urged all democratic parties campaign in the elections as a joint team.

August 26, 2014

25/08/2014 Daily Highlights by “Digest & Analytics” News Agency

Russian troops under the guise of “DPR militants” without any insignia invaded Ukraine near Novoazovs'k
  • President Poroshenko dissolved Verkhovna Rada. An early parliamentary elections will take place on 26th of October 2014. In a video appeal to Ukrainian citizens, President emphasized that current parliament consists of people, who don’t fulfill their duties and in their majority are the fifth column of aggressor. Dissolution however doesn’t mean deputies shouldn’t adopt important laws.