February 11, 2015

10/02/2015 Ukraine: Daily Highlights - The Verkhovna Rada approved the new Prosecutor General

The Verkhovna Rada approved the new Prosecutor General

10/02/2015 Daily Highlights by "Digests & Analytics - Ukraine" News Agency

Topics of the day

The Verkhovna Rada approved the new Prosecutor General. Negotiations of the contact group to settle the crisis in Donbass ended without results. As a result of  the shelling of Kramatorsk by cluster munitions 16 people have been killed.

February 02, 2015

01/02/2015 Ukraine: Daily Highlights - The intensity of the fighting in Debaltseve and Uglegorsk not diminished.

The intensity of the fighting in Debaltseve and Uglegorsk not diminished.

02/01/2015 Daily Highlihgts by "Digests and Analytics - Ukraine" News Agency

Topics of the day

The intensity of the fighting in Debaltseve and Uglegorsk not diminished. The Cabinet approved the award for the destruction of enemy military equipment. OSCE accused rebels of DNR and LNR, controlled by Russia in failure of the negotiations in Minsk.

2015/02/01 Ucraina: I principali eventi e temi del giorno - L'intensità dei combattimenti a Debaltsevo e Uglegorsk senza sosta

L'intensità dei combattimenti a Debaltsevo e Uglegorsk senza sosta

Grandi eventi e argomenti del giorno 2015/02/01 dall'agenzia di stampa "Digest e Analytics - Ucraina"

Argomenti del giorno

L'intensità dei combattimenti a Debaltsevo e Uglegorsk senza sosta. Ministri hanno approvato il premio per la distruzione delle attrezzature militari del nemico. L’OSCE ha accusato a interrompere negoziati di Minsk i  militanti, controllati dalla Russia.

January 02, 2015

01/01/2015 Ukraine: Daily Highlights - TV channel "Inter" broadcoasted the show with participation of Russian artists who supported the annexation of Crimea

Телеканал “Интер” в новогоднюю ночь транслировал шоу с участием российских артистов, поддержавших аннексию Крыма

01.01.2015 Daily Highlights by "Digests and Analytics - Ukraine" News Agency

Topics of the day

On New Year Eve the TV channel "Inter" broadcoasted the show with participation of Russian artists who supported the annexation of Crimea. New Year  holidays did not stop militants from attacking Ukrainian positions and cities in Donbass.

October 18, 2014

17.10.2014 L'Ukraine:Thèses principales - Les négociations à Milan entre les présidents de l'Ukraine, la Russie et les dirigeants européens ne sont pas formés par des solution

Переговоры в Милане между президентами Украины, России и европейскимии лидерами стран не оформлены решениями

Actualités du jour 17.10.2014 de l’agence d’information “Digests & Analytics Ukraine”
Les négociations à Milan entre les présidents de l'Ukraine, la Russie et les dirigeants européens ne sont pas formés par des solutions, mais selon les assurances des dirigeants, ils sont encourageants. La situation à Donets’k reste extrêmement tendue.

October 15, 2014

14/10/2014 Ukraine: Daily Highlights - Verkhovna Rada adopted a package of anti-corruption laws

В Киеве, Харькове и Одессе прошли многотысячные “Марши героев”, организованные добровольческим батальоном “Азов” и “Правым секторов” и партией “Свобода”, в честь годовщины создания Украинской повстанческой армии (УПА).

14/10/2014 Daily Highlights from “Digests & Analytics Ukraine” News Agency

Riots near the Parliament. Anti-corruption legislation package has been adopted. National Guards Commander Poltorak is the new Defense Minister. Marches dedicated to the anniversary of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army went on without excesses.

October 14, 2014

13.10.2014 L'Ukraine:Thèses principales - Les représentants de l'autorité ont évalué le manifeste des soldats du service urgent de la garde Nationale comme une provocation

В Киеве состоялся митинг солдат срочной службы Нацгвардии, которые потребовали увольнения в запас.
Actualités du jour 13.10.2014 de l’agence d’information "Digests & Analytics Ukraine"

Le manifeste des soldats du service urgent de la garde Nationale, qui ont demandé la démobilisation, a eu lieu à Kiev. Le cabinet des ministres prépare la réforme de la justice et du parquet. Les combats dans le Donbass continuent en dépit de la trêve.

September 23, 2014

22.09.2014 Ukraine: Daily highlights - National Bank is trying to stabilize currency exchange market with administrative measures

Украина по итогам 8 месяцев сократила выпуск стали более, чем на треть и выпала из десятки основных мировых производителей.
22.09.2014 Daily highlights by the “Digest & Analytics Ukraine” News Agency

National Bank is trying to stabilize currency exchange market with administrative measures pushing it in the direction of the shadow market. Shelling of Ukrainian army positions and towns are ongoing despite the cease-fire agreement. However the overall intensity of fights have declined.

September 19, 2014

18.09.2014 Ukraine: les thèses principaux - Le président Porochenko a pris la parole devant la réunion conjointe du Sénat et du Congrès des Etats-Unis

Президент Порошенко выступил на совместном заседании Конгресса и Сената США и встретился с президентом Обамой

Actualité du jour 18.09.2014 de l`agence d` information “Digests & Analytics Ukraine”

En dépit d'une baisse de la production industrielle les perspectives de la politique étrangère de l'Ukraine augmentent rapidement. Le soutien des Etats-Unis, du Canada et de l'UE rend possible un bond dans le développement du pays après la fin des hostilités. Dans le même temps, la Russie mène une formation intensive à l'invasion du territoire de Donbass, de la région de Rostov, de la Crimée et de la Transnistrie.

September 16, 2014

15/09/2014 Ukraine: Daily Highlights - President Poroshenko introduced his initiatives to Verkhovna Rada, that almost copy Putin’s demands to provide amnesty to the participants of illegal combat organizations and to provide a special status to Donbass

Внесенные президентом Порошенко в Верховную Раду законопроекты, фактически, повторяющие требования Путина в части амнистирования участников незаконных вооруженных формирований без проведения следствия и предоставления Донбассу “особого статуса”, вызвали неоднозначное отношение граждан Украины

15.09.2014 Daily Highlights from “Digests & Analytics Ukraine” News Agency

Introduced by President Poroshenko to the Verkhovna Rada legislative proposals on the special status of Donbass, currently controlled by terrorists and Russian troops, will not stop the Russian aggression. Ukrainian economy demonstrates steady decline during ongoing combat operations.

September 15, 2014

08-14/09/2014 Ukraine: Weekly Highlights - Heavy fighting continues in Donbass despite of a ceasefire signed

Идут тяжелые бои за Донецкий международный аэропорт
08-14.09.2014 Weekly Highlights by “Digests & Analytics Ukraine” News Agency

The “ceasefire” established in Minsk is not an obstacle for Russian troops and militants in the escalation of the conflict. Sanctions introduced by EU and US are not stopping Russian aggression in Ukraine. Ukrainian politicians are behaving like there is no war in the country. Economic forecasts for Ukraine are disappointing.

14/09/2014 Ukraine: Daily Highlghts - Political parties conduct elections conventions beside mass violations of cease-fire regimen by militants in Donbass

Украинские политики активно занимаются предвыборными играми, включая в списки партий боевых командиров

14.09.2014 Daily Highlights from “Digests & Analytics Ukraine” News Agency

Ukrainian politicians are actively playing "elections games", like including combat commanders on the lists of party candidates, when Ukrainian  military and civilians are dying in Donbass during the announced «cease-fire» and Russia is concentrating its invasion forces.  

September 12, 2014

11/09/2014 Ukraine: Daily Highlights - Russia has intensified its pressure to Ukraine on the energy front

11.09.2014 Daily Highlights from “Digests & Analytics Ukraine” News Agency

Ukraine is continuing its fight on the energy front under pressure of coal mining infrastructure destructions and cuts in natural gas deliveries to Europian partners by Gazprom.

September 01, 2014

31.08.2014 Ukraine: Daily Highlights - Several hundreds of Ukrainian military from volunteer battalions and regular army broke through the encirclement near Ilovays’k - The EU sanctions against Russia were not introduced during the EU summit on August 30 due to positions of some countries

Из окружения под Иловайском прорвались несколько сот украинских военнослужащих из добровольческих батальонов и регулярной армии

31.08.2014 Daily Highlights by “Digests & Analytics Ukraine” News Agency

  • Citizens of Kherson broke up a pro-Russian rally. Participants detained by police confessed, that they’ve came from Zaporizhya and have been paid for participation. Border guards and Armed forces are strengthening the border line between Crimea and continental Ukraine


  • As situation in the east of Ukraine have recently worsened, block posts have been introduced around the capital, with traffic police and special battalion «Kyiv-1» being on duty twenty-four hours a day.

August 31, 2014

30/08/2014 Ukraine: Daily Highlights - The EU is ready to apply new sanctions against Russia - The defeat at Ilovais'k requires immediate action

30.08.2014 Daily Highlights by “Digests & Analytics Ukraine” News Agency


  • The criminal case against former head of Kharkiv regional administration M. Dobkin for activities against territorial integrity of the country has been closed in the absence of evidence of a crime.
  • Experts believe that the shooting death of the former head of the State Property Fund V. Semeniuk is not a suicide.
  • Central Elections Committee has registered an initiative of the “Bat’kivschyna” party on holding a referendum about Ukraine joining NATO, which is going to be carried out during parliamentary elections.
  • Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine P. Klimkin said that the text of the Association Agreement with the EU can not be changed and will be ratified in its present form.

August 27, 2014

26.08.2014 Daily Highlights by “Digests & Analytics Ukraine” News Agency

High level negotiations in the format Ukraine - the EU - «Eurasian troika» (Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus) took place in Minsk


  • Head of the State Election Committee Ohendovsky announced the price tag of the early parliamentary elections - 986 mln. UAH, as well as claimed that it will be sourced from the reserve fund of the Government. As long as the election law hasn’t been changed, 438 deputies (excluding 12 majoritary areas of annexed Crimea) should be elected to the renewed Verkhovna Rada.
  • New business week brought one more consecutive historical minimum of the official exchange rate of Ukrainian Hryvnya: 13.66 UAH/1$ (-30 cop), 18.02 UAH/1€, 3.78 UAH/10 RUR (-10 cop). Interbank quotes fluctuated in the range of 13.50-14.17 UAH/1$ and 17.82-18.70 UAH/1€.

August 24, 2014

23.08.2014 Daily Highlights by “Digests & Analytics Ukraine” News Agency

German Chancellor Angela Merkel visited Kyiv with a formal call


  • National Flag Day have been celebrated in Ukraine. President Poroshenko participated in the Ceremony of hoisting the flag on Sofyivska square.
  • German Chancellor Angela Merkel visited Kyiv with a formal call. During negotiations, she has expressed her vision of Ukrainian decentralization, calling that «federalization», claimed that Germany will never agree to recognize Russian annexation of Crimea and occupation of Ukrainian territory, as well as that Germany is ready to welcome those injured in combat operation in Donbass for further treatment in Germany. At the same time, direct military aid is not being considered. However Germany is ready to provide 500 mlm. EUR for renovation of the damaged economy of the region. Ukrainian Prime Minister Yatsenyuk, during negotiations with the Chancellor, suggested that German companies could participate in the development of the Ukrainian energy infrastructure.

August 22, 2014

21.08.2014 Daily Highlights by “Digests & Analytics Ukraine” News Agency

Monument on Savur-Mohyla crashed down after the shelling.


  • Military equipment and units, that will participate in the Independence Day parade in Kyiv, will afterwards depart to the combat area in Donbass.

  • As claimed by the advisor of the President Poroshenko, parliament could be dismissed on August 27th. Existing parliamentary elections law allows elections through majority districts. This is being considered as an approach to obtain significant number of votes by the Party of Ukrainian Development, a direct heir of the Party of Regions.

  • National Bank pushed back the exchange rate of Ukrainian Hryvnia (UAH) slightly: 13.11 UAH / 1$ (+11 cop), 17.42 UAH / 1€ (+24 cop), 3.62 UAH / 10 RUR (+4 cop).

  • President Poroshenko decided to sell his business via the Rothschild investment company. From Ukrainian side the deal will be conducted by the company “Investment Capital Ukraine”, which's ex-general manager, Gontareva, became the Head of the National Bank of Ukraine.

August 21, 2014

20.08.2014 Daily Highlights by “Digests & Analytics Ukraine” News Agency

In the center of Moscow, Russian authorities captured four Russian citizens, who’ve put Ukrainian flag on one of the tallest buildings in the area and painted the top red star in Ukrainian national colors


  • While speaking to the Deputy of the UN Secretary General Feltman, President Poroshenko stated that conflict in Donbass couldn’t be solved solely by military means.
  • National Bank once again strongly devaluated Ukrainian Hryvnia (UAH) to new historical minimum: 13.22 UAH/1$ (-27 cop), 17.65 UAH/1€ (-32 cop), 3.66 UAH/10 RUR (-7 cop).
    National Bank implemented obligatory sales of all foreign currency revenues for exporters for the period of three months starting from August 20th, as well as ordered to conduct all import/export transactions during up to 90 days, in order to compensate pressure on the Fx rate.

August 20, 2014

19.08.2014 Daily Highlights by “Digests & Analytics Ukraine” News Agency

German Minister of Foreign Affairs Steinmeier believes, that conflict in eastern Ukraine could be resolved via political route.


  • State Office of General Prosecutor arrested assets of the VETEK company amounting to 2 bln. UAH, belonging to Kurchenko, closest friend of the son of ex-president Yanukovych, accusing the legal entity of illegal accusation of the state property on a mass scale.
  • National Bank continue to strengthened Ukrainian hryvnia via currency interventions: 12.95 UAH / 1$ (+12 cop), 17.33 UAH / 1€ (+17 cop), 3.59 UAH / 10 RUR (+4 cop).
  • Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration, announced during the briefing, that extended top level meeting of EU, Ukraine and the “Eurasian Trinity” (Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia) is being planned for August 26, aimed to discuss implementation of Ukrainian association agreement with the EU, energy security and conflict in Donbass.