August 03, 2015

08/02/2015 Ukraine: Daily Highlights - President Poroshenko awarded paratroopers in Slovyansk

President Poroshenko awarded paratroopers in Slavyansk
President Poroshenko awarded paratroopers in Slovyansk

08.02.2015 Daily Highlights by the Digests & Analytics Ukraine News Agency

Topics from Media and Social Networks

  • President Poroshenko awarded paratroopers in Slovyansk.
  • Preparations  for the Independence Day parade are well under way.
  • Money of the IMF tranche will be used to replenish the NBU reserves.
  • A military helicopter crashed during the air show in Russia.

September 19, 2014

18/09/2014 Ukraine: Daily Highlights - President Poroshenko spoke to joint session of US Congress and Senate

Президент Порошенко выступил на совместном заседании Конгресса и Сената США и встретился с президентом Обамой

18/09/2014 Daily Highlights from “Digests & Analytics Ukraine” News Agency

Despite the drastic decline of the industrial production, foreign affairs perspectives of Ukraine are strongly improving, as support by the US, Canada and the EU could be a prerequisite for the development leap for the country after the end of combat operations. At the same time, Russia intensifies preparations for invasion from territory of Donbass, Rostov region, Crimea and Transdnestria.