July 20, 2015

Україна: Дайджест головних подій тижня 13-19 липня 2015

Дайджест головних подій тижня 13-19 липня 2015 від інформаційного агентства "Digests & Analytics Ukraine"

У першому читанні прийнято закон про внесення змін до Конституції Вибори до місцевих органів влади призначено за новим законом – на 25 жовтня Прийнято закони, узгоджені з МВФ для отримання нового траншу кредиту Ситуація в Донбасі різко загострилася На Закарпатті триває армійська операція з упіймання бійців "Правого сектора"  Головою Закарпатської облдержадміністрації призначено Москаля Інвестиційна конференція Україна-США Зроблено перші кроки із запровадження міжнародного трибуналу з розслідування катастрофи авіалайнера рейсу MH-17

Украина: Дайджест главных событий недели 13-19 июля 2015

Дайджест главных событий недели 13-19 июля 2015 от информационного агентства “Digests & Analytics Ukraine”

В первом чтении принят  закон о внесении изменений в Конституцию

Выборы в местные органы власти назначены по новому закону – на 25 октября Приняты законы, согласованные с МВФ, для получения нового транша кредита Ситуация в Донбассе резко обострилась На Закарпатье продолжается армейская операция по поимке бойцов “Правого сектора”   Москаль назначен главой Закарпатской облгосадминистрации Инвестиционная конференция Украина-США Сделаны первые шаги для учреждения международного трибунала по расследованию катастрофы авиалайнера рейса MH-17

2015/07/19 Ucraina: I principali eventi e temi del giorno - Occupato Donetsk è stato bombardato dai militanti

Occupato Donetsk è stato bombardato dai militanti
Occupato Donetsk è stato bombardato dai militanti

I principali eventi e le questioni del giorno 2015/07/19 dall'agenzia di stampa Digest & Analytics Ucraina

Argomenti media e social network

  • Occupato Donetsk è stato bombardato dai militanti.
  • Poroshenko ha detto che un regime speciale nel Donbass occupato non può entrare in vigore.
  • Direttore del Festival di Odessa è stato investito da una macchina davanti alla stazione di polizia.

07/19/2015 Ukraine: Daily Highlights - The occupied Donetsk was shelled by the militants themselves

The occupied Donetsk was shelled by the militants themselves
The occupied Donetsk was shelled by the militants themselves

07.19.2015 Daily Highlights by the Digests & Analytics Ukraine News Agency

Topics from Media and Social Networks

  • The occupied Donetsk was shelled by the militants themselves.
  • Poroshenko said that a special regime in the occupied Donbass might not come into force.
  • Director of the Odessa Film Festival was hit by a car in front of the police officers.

Key Events In Ukraine

  • President Poroshenko appointed Head of the Anti-Terrorist Center Malyshev and Head of the Anti-Corruption Centre Trepak Deputy Heads of the Security Service of Ukraine .
  • Prime Minister Yatsenyuk announced about the creation of the National Employment Agency instead of the existing employment services, the tasks of the Agency will include employment and vocational training for the persons who lost their jobs.
  • Ukraine  is not consuming Russian natural gas for two weeks, but only carries out its transit to Europe. Every day about 30 million m3 of natural gas is being pumped into storage, half of it is of own production, the rest is a reverse supply from Slovakia.

Ukraine at War

  • The OSCE report recorded the escalation of the situation in the Donbass. The mission confirmed that on July 18 the shelling of Donetsk was carried out by the militants. The Ukrainian side published the radio interception, where the militants were discussing the directions of the shelling. Despite the evidence, the leadership of the self-proclaimed Donetsk republic threaten to destruct  Avdiyivka if the "shellings of Donetsk continue".  Heavy fighting continued in Maryinka, due to the shellings, the residential blocks were damaged, there are casualties among the civilians. During the previous day, according to the official reports, one soldier was kiled and seven soldiers were injured .
    During the battle in Shyrokine, the "Donbass"  battalion captured the IFV with the full ammunition load.
  • The Security Service of Ukraine reports on the prevention of numerous terrorist attacks across Ukraine and the detention of a large number of trucks with contraband products that were trying to break into the occupied territory.

Ukraine and the World

  • Minister of Energy and Natural Resources of Turkey Yıldız said that the country is not going to make concessions to Russia and will not be an average transit country, as this contradicts its economic interests. The problem cannot be solved by a simple granting of the  discounts for the natural gas. Russia is building new gas pipelines through Turkey at its own expense.
  • French President Hollande in response to the Greek crisis, offers to create the Eurozone  Government and the parliamentary body, responsible for making decisions.

The Trends

  • The experts say that when Ukraine signed the second Minsk agreements, it had committed itself to conduct a constitutional reform, which includes granting of the special status to the territories of Donbass and amnesty to the militants, moreover, these actions are not connected with the implementation of the agreements by Russia and militants under its control. Therefore, the introduction to the text of the Constitution of the references to the law violates the equality of the rights of citizens of different regions of Ukraine and makes the sacrifices during the fighting in the Donbass meaningless . The militants, responsible for the killings and violations of human rights, will still be amnestied. Despite this, President Poroshenko claims that there is no threat to the sovereignty of Ukraine in the proposed version of changes to the Constitution .